
Dear athlete, thank you for your interest in becoming an ambassador for Athletes for Peace!

Scroll down to learn more about how it works.
To join us directly please fill out the questions below.

Athletes for Peace
Ambassador Application

*by submitting your answers you confirm that you will either donate a part (>1%) of your prize money (in case you're actively competing) or a certain amount of money (if you're not actively competing anymore) to a charity of your choice for at least 12 months. We will review your submission and publish it in form of your "pledge" on our ambassador-page.

Athletes for Peace
– how it works

Who can become an Athlete for Peace?

You can become an Athlete for Peace if you're either actively competing in your sport or if you've already ended your active sports career and want to use your reputation to support our mission.
It doesn't matter which sport or which level.

What do I sign up for as an Athlete for Peace?

You join Athletes for Peace by giving your individual pledge – 100% voluntary and 100% for charity.
Therefore we don't need to conclude contracts or memberships.
Your pledge will be published on our ambassador page together with your profile.

Where do Athletes for Peace donate to?

You are free to donate to any charitable organization you want to – as long as they use your donation to settle rampant conflicts around the world.

How does the donation process work at Athletes for Peace?

Also the amount you donate is in your hands! You choose what feels right and also what is possible for you. 
This can be anything from 1 to 100% of your prize money or – if you're not actively competing anymore – any amount of money you wish to donate.

Does Athletes for Peace charge any commission?

No. Our initiative is 100% non-profit.
You donate directly to the organization of your choice.

Do I have any other obligations to Athletes for Peace?

The only thing we ask of you is that you stay committed for at least 12 months.
Apart form that: no obligations.